The Pink Water Community wishes to mobilise and work with other organizations that have similar values and objectives. We also wish to work in collaboration with other outdoor sport entities, as this will help showcase white water sports here in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region, in Canada and on an international front.
The Pink Water Community’s mission is to be a national and international reference for women who desire to learn and practice white water sports here in Quebec, and worldwide.
Here at Pink Water, we wish to promote white water sports, in order to show that they are easily accessible, more so than people often think. We wish to invite more women to participate.
A non-profit organisation, that constitutes a moral person under the name of, “Communauté Pink Water”, also known as “Pink Water Community”. The legal home is located in the municipality of Saint-Stanislas, Québec, Canada.
The Pink Water Community is a non-profit organization that is mainly composed of women who practice white water sports, where the principle function is to plan events that take place on white water. These events help to promote activities for a female clientele.
Pink Water, was created during the summer of 2013 by Audrey Ahier and Shéril Gravel, two young women who shared the common passion for white water sports. Initially, the idea was to create a Facebook page that would bring together the community of women in Quebec who practice white water sports. It was during the summer of 2014, that the first project was created to plan an event aimed to initiate women to white water sports. In fact, the 21st and 22nd of June 2014 happened to be the first event where 70 women gather and were initiated on the Mistassibi river. With such a successful event, the decision was made to register Pink Water as a non-profit organisation. This would in turn allow for more events to be organized, therefore allowing the community to continue to grow in the region of Saguenay and hopefully, Quebec at large. The organization was officially registered in February 2015, which allowed the Pink Water Community to organize a second event known as the 2015 Pink Water Challenge. The media’s response and the people who participated in the second edition were remarkable. Approximately 90 participants were present and the entire team including volunteers, professionals and the crowd totalled approximately 300 people. The organization was recognised for its originality, its attention to detail, as well as the positive energy and its influence on women. The board of directors of the organisation decided to put into place a plan of action, to create and to export this creative product to different regions in Quebec as well as internationally.